Action for quick decision makers. Suffering from the winter blues? Come to Corfu for a wonderful week in the Greek sun.

Promotion for super-fast decision makers!

When you see this message…

... you may not know me yet, but you found me anyway, via social media or someone in your area felt called to forward this to you. That person probably knows me and knows what I have to offer.

... they also know how happy I am with the special work I do and the wonderful results that are achieved with it.

… that person knows that I am going to Corfu again in May for my next one 'Your Inner Power' retirement.

This retreat is going to be great again.

I am very passionate when it comes to organizing retreats, because I love that form of work, in which you can completely break away from daily habits.

In a retreat I can offer a total experience with relaxation, fun, good care in a nice place and a fantastic program that leads to your transformation into an easier life.

It's a shame if you can't come along, because it's going to be another special week.

Two half Greeks and a Dutchman

All in all, I have spent some of my life in Greece and Corfu, one of the Ionian Islands in the North West, is the ideal place for a retreat.

Over the years I have made friends and found collaboration partners. Marina has a Greek mother and a British father. She is a holistic doctor, likes to cook Greek with a lot of love, knowledge, experience and dedication. And now that she is retired, she finally has time to occasionally join my groups for a week to spoil us.

Sarah has a Greek mother and an American father. She will do body work there every morning. She is very skilled at it nutritious movement. A new interesting natural approach to exercise. She is also a pilates trainer and practitioner, so she is available for individual sessions if you have physical complaints.

There will be enough time and space to silently focus on the content of the inspiring program. But there is also time for the ultimate holiday feeling and to enjoy swimming in the private pool or in the sea, which you can walk to in a few minutes. There is time to lie in the sun, walk to the special Canal d'Amour, the village of Sidari, into the mountains or towards the monastery, relax on a terrace and just stare at the sea.

Together in Marina's kitchen in Bath, England. February 2024

Maybe I can cheer you up with this special deal. Only suitable for quick decision makers! Choose from one of the three options below.

Get out of your winter blues and take action.

From today until April 30, you will receive € 125 SPRING PROMOTION and pay € 1.250. for a magical week all-inclusive stay in the luxurious villa with private garden and private pool, delicious food and the transformation you have been longing for for so long.

Do you want to get together? Then book at the same time and let us know with your booking who you are coming with. Then you will both receive a friend discount of €100 per person.

. . . via the order button below you will receive the SPRING DISCOUNT + 1 FREE INDIVIDUAL SESSION.

  • Book before Monday, April 30, so you can join us in the sun next month.
  • If you can't make it yourself, send your best friend with us. Or your colleague, your sister, your neighbor...
  • Or come together with your girlfriend or your best colleague.
  • There are still a few places available, but we work in small groups, so there is a maximum.

For every retreat I get a nice group together, in which not everyone has to click with everyone, but from which new friendships almost always arise.

IF YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE YOURSELF, you may have someone close to you for whom you know this retreat will be good. Then don't hesitate, take action and forward this or discuss it. I would like to reward you with a nice surprise when someone registers based on your advice.

After April 30, the price will be € 1.375.

No, we want more first information read about the retreat. Click on the link or surf this entire site first. Start at the beginning.

Action for quick decision makers. Corfu 2024.
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