The program for the retreat is basically fixed, but it is at the same time flexible and tailored to the group. Below you can read what you can expect each day. There is a clear structure and we make some agreements on the first day to make it as pleasant and easy as possible and to get the most out of it for everyone. Everything is about relaxed learning and practicing from relaxation.

Arrival at the villa is possible from Saturday, May 18 around 14:00 PM.

1st day: Your adventure begins

Your adventure starts here at 15:30 PM with a warm welcome, meeting the other participants and the team, introducing the program and some practical matters. We will wrap this up around 17:30 PM and then you are free to take your things to your room and explore the area.

There will be a communal vegetarian dinner around 19:00 PM and then you are free.

Taking a retreat means withdrawing from your daily life for peace, quiet and reflection. We do this in an environment that is free of tobacco, alcohol and other substances that distract you from the way in. You are free for the rest of the evening and there is silence from 22:30 PM.

Taking a retreat means withdrawing from your daily life for peace, quiet and reflection. We do this in an environment that is free of tobacco, alcohol and other substances that distract you from the way in. You are free for the rest of the evening and there is lunch from 22.30:XNUMX PM
"At first I thought: 'why the silence?' But it was really nice and it helped me a lot to focus on myself and leave all the social conversations."

2nd day: Intention

Sunday morning is at 8:30 am the breakfast buffet is ready in the villa. We start the morning in silence and thus create our peace.

The first YOUR INNER POWER workshop starts at 10:00 am. You focus on clearly formulating your intention for this week. Who do you want to be? What do you want? What do you want to bring to the world? What are your wishes, desires, dreams?

You are free in the afternoon to formulate your intention. You can adjust it at any time.

3rd day: Law of Balance

On Monday morning you come to the place in silence at 7:30 am (this can always be a different place) where Sarah helps us wake up the body. Do what suits your body. Breakfast is ready at 8:30 am.

The YIP workshop starts every day at 10:00 am. We conclude the workshop with a meditation and you will receive an assignment every day, which you can complete on the beach, in the garden or wherever you want.

Formulating your intention offers clarity, but it is of course also very important that you have insight into what is holding you back. You will get/clarify that on Monday. Aware and unaware.

Do you ever feel like you have to solve the same problem over and over again? Or that it works, but that you 'relapse' in behavior or results? That is the Law of Balance in action.

It is a relaxing and enlightening process in which you will find your answers with ease. And you will be given techniques that will help you let go of what you no longer want. Do you ever feel like you have to solve the same problem over and over again? Or that it works, but that you 'relapse' in behavior or results? That is the Law of Balance in action.

4th day: Law Of Polarity

We are often unaware of what we unconsciously still hold on to. Are you incredibly tired of holding yourself back with limiting thoughts and judgments?

Everything in the universe has 2 sides. That is the law of polarity. Are your inner and outer worlds correct? Do you accept who you are and is that what you want, here and now? How does your inner conversation proceed?

Belief about who and what you are was given to you 'for free', but you can start choosing NOW. We explore and recognize the power of words, programmed into your subconscious system long ago.

Make peace with everything that happened in the past brings liberation. You learn the art of letting go and quickly experience the deep effect of this.

5th day: Law Of Attraction

“The world is what you think it is” says the Kahuna – Hawaiian Wisdom. James Allen wrote in 1902: “As a man thinks so is he”.

  • What are the obstacles that make it so difficult to persevere?
  • The paradigm will fight you.
  • It's not your fault.

When you understand how you are programmed with limiting ideas about yourself, who you are, what is and is not possible or allowed or appropriate, you naturally want to learn to reprogram. You choose the identity of who you want to BE and that is how you become. That's how you're going to be, because that's how you ARE!

Uninstall old programs and install new programs. Who do you want to BE? THINK this way. WALK like this. DO like this. Choosing and practicing your identity.

This is the assignment on Wednesday afternoon. Perhaps the best of the whole week. Perhaps the most difficult. It's time to play. No writing assignment and this evening you choose where, what and with whom you will eat.

6th day: Feeling is the secret

On this Thursday you will learn how to transform a plan or a to-do list into an intention list, which you will always use with enthusiasm and conviction, because you know that your wish has already been fulfilled somewhere.

The power of the repetition of certain actions, which seem too simple to do every day. How can you keep that up? You can understand everything, but if you don't actually apply it, all that wisdom is of no use at all. Today you will learn how it works and how you APPLY it, when you choose.

7th day: Living with the Laws

This could be the most powerful day of your life. Creation in a special place.

In the footsteps of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, the marksman, skilled with bow and arrow, who is loyal to herself and her goals and shoots with precision and disregards the judgments of others.

You are invited to sharply rephrase your intentions and reinforce the promise you made to yourself.

We celebrate this evening as Good Friday, based on the idea that the story of the resurrection is a psychological drama that takes place at every moment in every person, in nature and in the entire universe.

This evening we celebrate together what we let go and leave behind us. We celebrate your inner strength.

We celebrate this evening as a Good Friday, based on the idea that the story of the resurrection is a psychological drama that takes place at every moment in every person, in nature and in the entire universe.retreat corfu

Saturday May 25: Closing of the retreat

Now that your journey is nearing its end (at least, from this retreat) and your suitcase or backpack is packed again, we enjoy breakfast together and then you say goodbye to your new 'family'.

With a deeper understanding and gratitude, you look forward to what is next. This retreat will officially conclude on Saturday morning at 11:00 am. You leave with tools and techniques and you know how you will use them.

If you have booked extra for the weekend, you will stay a few more days.

We can reserve accommodation for you, near the villa, if you book in time. Are you staying in the north to enjoy nature, sun, sea, Greek traditions and good food? Or will you visit the ancient city of Kerkyra? That's completely up to you.

I hear the call of Artemis! Where do I register?

How does such a retreat day proceed?

07: 30 hoursMovement
09: 00 hoursBreakfast Buffet (including the option to make a packed lunch
10: 00 - 14: 00 hoursYour Inner Power Workshop (including coffee & tea break)
14: 00 - 15: 00 hoursComplete an individual writing assignment (You can decide when you do this. You can also first go for a walk, swim, etc.)
15: 00 - 18: 00 hoursFree time / nature walk / excursion (optional) or nothing at all 😉
16: 00 - 18: 00 hoursOptions for individual sessions with Sarah or Jeannette
19: 00 hoursEvening meal in the villa on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (on Wednesday and Friday you choose where you eat).
Wednesday afternoon and eveningNo writing assignment, but 'playing outside'. Decide when, where, what and/or with whom you want to eat.
21: 00 hoursOptional short evening meditation
22: 30 hoursSilence until the workshop starts the next morning at 10:00 am.

There are many options and the choice is yours

  • We work in a group of independent participants, in which: each with its own development going through.
  • There is room for every individual, but there is no obligation to share all your experiences in the group.
  • We start every day with movement. It's not about how 'good' or 'flexible' you are, but about what feels good for you and your body.
  • After breakfast we do one Your Inner Power workshop and in between we take a break.
  • The morning program is in the quiet area in and around the villa, not a fixed location. We choose what feels good every day.
  • There is a breakfast buffet at 9:00 am and you can also make a packed lunch.
  • You can eat out on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • You will work on your individual assignment between 14:00 PM and 15:00 PM (approximately), but there is no fixed time for this and you can decide when you do this.
  • Between 16:00 PM and 18:00 PM there is room for individual sessions for those who want (not standard).
  • Every afternoon you can go out for a walk in nature, an excursion or a museum. You can go together or on your own.
  • There is an evening meal in the villa at 19:00 PM on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday.
  • There is silence from 22:30 PM.
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